Changó, the Biggest Badass

Changó, the Biggest Badass

Climb aboard this novel like so many million African prisoners on the slave ships; and feel free despite your chains.

Take off your clothes!

Whatever your race, culture, or class, don’t forget that the land where you tread is America, the New World, humanity’s new dawn. So become a child. If you find strange spirits ---in word, character, or plot---take them as a challenge to your imagination. Forget about academics, verb tenses, the boundaries between life and death, because in this saga there is no other trace than the one you leave behind: you are the prisoner, the discoverer, the founder, the liberator.

Changó, the Biggest Badass

Books by Manuel Zapata Olivella and/or Jonathan Tittler in ALAWiT

Changó, the Biggest Badass
Manuel Zapata Olivella + Jonathan Tittler
Por los senderos de sus ancestros: textos escogidos: 1940-2000
Manuel Zapata Olivella
Changó, el gran putas
Manuel Zapata Olivella

About ALAWiT

ALAWiT is a resource for readers, writers, publishers, students and teachers interested in Afro-American and Latin American culture in general, and Afro-Latin American culture in particular. It gathers book covers, excerpts, bibliographic clues and digital downloads of works by black Latin American authors in original language and in translation.